Thursday, January 11, 2007

Nothing about politics gets under my skin more than for someone to say, "I vote based on the issues, not the party," but when they're asked about the stance of their candidate of choice, they don't seem to know the candidate's position on most issues. They don't read newspapers; they don't really watch the news; they simply listen to media hype and spin and vote based on what they take for granted is the person's platform, based on party affiliation. I've watched the vicious cycle in my own family for far too long.

A few years ago, I stumbled across a site that allows you to select responses to various positions on current issues. It then provides a list of the forerunners in the campaign, with a percentage match based on your choices. There are over 20,000 selectors for all kinds of topics, from religion to refreshments; from Harry Potter to hair styling products. While many of the decisions that the site can help with are menial and should require no thought at all, more important decisions, such as who to vote for, can be well worth the investment of time.

Check out the 2008 Presidential Selector today!

Here are my top five five:
(100%) 1: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R)
(87%) 2: Rep. Tom Tancredo (R)
(80%) 3: Sen. Sam Brownback (R)
(66%) 4: Sen. John McCain (R)
(66%) 5: Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich (R)

And bottom five:
(27%) 19: Sen. Christopher Dodd (D)
(22%) 20: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D)
(22%) 21: Ex-VP Al Gore (D)
(22%) 22: Sen. John Kerry (D)
(16%) 23: Sen. Barack Obama (D)


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