Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Jack's Back

When Fox announced a new show back in 2001, promising edge-of-your-seat thrills and surprises at every turn, with a countdown clock that followed a man through twenty-four hours, I wasn't very impressed. I didn't want to watch it, and for the first three or four episodes, I didn't. Until the night I watched the last half of an episode . . . and then I was hooked. I've been a 24 addict for five seasons, and this weekend I started the sixth season like most other Bauer devotees - in front of the TV through the intense four-hour season premiere. And like every season before, it's clear to see that the next five months will be VERY interesting.

After two years in a Chinese prison, Jack was brought back to die. But since the show revolves around him, he couldn't - and he escaped. Did anyone not see that coming? And that was just the first five minutes. It's amazing what Jack can do in a few minutes - even more so in an hour. In the past hour, I got dressed, fed Ella a bottle, drove to school, and checked my email. That's it - my hour is up. In an hour last night, Jack was asked by the President to lead the search to find a nuclear scientist, drove across town to Jillian's house, convinced Curtis to work with Assad, got a Presidential pardon for the terrorist, shot his friend, lost it, told Buchanan he quit, and watched a nuclear bomb explode. We both had 1 hour - 60 minutes - 360 seconds.

At the end of hour four, Jack was faced with one of the toughest decisions we've ever seen him make - let Curtis shoot Assad, or shoot Curtis. My heart stopped for a few seconds when Jack pulled the trigger and shot the man who had protected him and worked with him for years - possibly his best friend now that Tony is gone - and I could only imagine what he felt in that split second. Thinking that was the biggest shock of the night (and it was definitely big enough), I was almost numb as I watched the guy push the detonator on the nuclear bomb and the mushroom cloud rise above the city. Jack and his team weren't able to stop the terrorists this time, but as all 24 fans know, there must be a bigger plan. We got a glimpse of it in next week's previews, and it looks like we're in for an exciting season.

In 24, Jack Bauer has twenty-four hours to save the world. For the past five seasons, he hasn't let us down. He's faced with many difficult decisions, and most of them deal with national security. Each day, we all get twenty-four hours to use as we choose. We are faced with many decisions, and most of them do NOT deal with national security. Actually, many of the decisions we make on a daily basis are more important than that. Each day, we are given choices that affect eternal security - for ourselves, for those we love, and for those we've never met. How are you using the time that God has given you? If we could all sit down and watch twenty-four hours of your life tick by on a TV screen, it may not be as exciting as Jack's story, but would it be as powerful? Would we see you make good decisions, do the right thing, and protect the Word of God the way Jack protects the constitution? Jack works for the President of the United States, but we work for the King of the Universe. Live life like every second counts!


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