Monday, January 08, 2007

Sometimes "Not Yet"

Words are all around us. We see them, hear them, and speak them every day. Loving words and harsh words . . . words to encourage others and words to tear them down . . . memorable quotes and trite cliches . . . informative snipits and meaningless babble. Words are all around us.

From time to time, godly people speak words of truth into my life. Sometimes it's unwanted (but needed) advice; other times, it's something supportive. I've appreciated the wisdom of many people over the past few years on my journey into adulthood. Last year, one of those individuals shared an insight that stuck with me through 2006 and reminds me not to get discouraged when what seems like defeat comes my way.

Last fall, I applied for a job that I thought was made for me. On my list of dream jobs, this one was definitely at the top, and I just knew that God had provided the opportunity just for me. A lot of people were praying for me through the whole process, including the person who was retiring from the position. For months, I poured everything I could into getting the job.

I can still remember every detail of the day I was interviewed. I can visually walk through the entire day and relive almost everything that was said. At the end of the interview, one of the men interviewing said, "sometimes God says 'yes,' sometimes he says 'no,' and sometimes he says 'not yet.'" I didn't realize how important that sentence would be until I read the letter saying someone else had been chosen to fill the position.

Since that time, I've worked with the person who was chosen for the position, and I understand where I was not quite as qualified at the time. I'm aware of the areas where I need to improve to be a better candidate the next time, and I will continue working on those things. I still believe that the position is one that God is preparing me for in the future, but for now I will continue to seek His will for the steps between here and there and remember that His answer is not always either "yes" or "no." Sometimes, He's just saying "not yet."


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