Thursday, April 12, 2007

In this corner . . .

If you've been keeping up with the St. Louis Public Schools issue, you're aware that they are now unaccredited, and the state is in the process of taking over. From the reports I've read about recent state board meetings, the fight has begun.

In one corner: SLPS and its board, administrators, teachers, students and parents.
In the other corner: DESE and the state board (and some students and parents).

A transitional board has been appointed, and effective June 15, 2007, students in the district will have the opportunity to transfer to a district in a neighboring county.

The school board met today to authorize an appeal of the unaccreditation, and in a 6-0 vote, they removed their president, who will continue to serve as a board member.

DESE has provided a FAQ sheet to answer questions for those who are interested.

The past few weeks have been interesting as our state makes the first move at revealing the teeth in their school improvement program. It will be very interesting to see where it goes from here. We can only hope that any decisions that are made are in the best interest of the students.


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