Monday, April 23, 2007


Today, our life group is embarking on a forty-day journey through the book of Acts. We will be exploring the lives of those in the early church and looking at how God used ordinary people to chart a course that we're still following two thousands years later. Because Jessica and I are the "Grow Champions" for our group, our leader, Jason, called me at 4:00 last Wednesday, as I was heading home from Jefferson City, and asked if we would create a reading plan and present it to the group on Thursday night. Talk about short notice! Not wanting to let him down, I reluctantly agreed, thinking I would just do a quick Internet search and print off something that someone else had already put together.

There is no 40-day reading plan for Acts . . . anywhere. At least I couldn't find one. After about an hour of searching, I decided if I would have anything to present, I would need to get busy. I started at the beginning, trying to create natural breaks while keeping each day's reading around fifteen verses. For the most part, it worked out that way.

As I flipped through Acts and typed a list of all the topics that we'd be reading about, I began to think about what happened throughout the book. God used ordinary people - sometimes less-than-ordinary people - to carry the most important message to the world. I started to think back to an Old Testament verse that I've claimed as my life verse for the past decade. Habakkuk 1:5 says, "Look at the nations and watch – and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Don't you think that the believers of the early church were shown things that they would never believe?

I originally planned to call our journey "40 Days of Mission," but after thinking about how this verse relates to Acts, and how much it means in my own life, I decided to call it "Something." I think the next forty days will be so important for our group that, before I left school on Thursday, I created a blog for us to share our what God says to us.

I'm watching. I believe that the “something” in my days will be as great as or greater than what Paul and Barnabas and Luke and Peter experienced. And I believe that I will be amazed at what He does in my life, life group, church, community, state, nation, and world.


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